
ClamXav can be downloaded directly or through the Mac App Store. The Mac App Store version does not contain the Sentry tool that allows constant scanning for changes by folder, so this tutorial is for the download version which you can get at http://www.clamxav.com/.

Note: ClamXav used to be free but as of June 2015 is a commercial product. I think it’s well worth the $30 and by paying for it I’m helping to ensure the development of the product continues.

After installation, log out of your Mac and back in.

Compare ClamXAV - Anti-Virus Tool - with alternatives like Symantec Solutions For Small Business, McAfee Cloud Security etc. Find all information about ClamXAV Biggest Customers and Competitors in anti-virus market. ClamXAV is a popular virus checker for OS X. Time to take control. 1password for mac download. ClamXAV keeps threats at bay and puts you firmly in charge of your Mac’s security. Scan a specific file or your entire hard drive.


When you first launch ClamXav it’s a good idea to update the Virus Definitions. Next let’s set some preferences.

General Preferences

  1. You can set these as you desire, especially the audible alerts
  2. Believe it or not, UNcheck scanning your email for malware. Your spam filter will catch most of this and put it in a spam bucket but ClamXav will stil find it and give you CONSTANT popups about it. I also don’t update virus definitions on launch because we’ll put it on a schedule in a later step. I DO however allow the application to check for updates on launch like any other program. It might seem odd also to UNcheck update virus definitions on launch, but we’re going to do that on a schedule instead in a later step.
  3. Click on the Sentry tab next.




Ram for mac computers. Sentry keeps an eye on any folder you choose. We’re going to set it to watch your Downloads folder, because that’s where new stuff shows up that we want scanned. This is the feature you only get if you buy directly from ClamXav.com and is not available in the Mac App Store version.

Drag Home Folder Into the Window

Drag your Downloads folder into the window. Alternatively you can push the plus button and navigate to your Downloads folder.

Clamxav vs clamavClamxav 3ClamXAV

Clamxav Uninstall

Your Downloads Folder Will Now be Monitored

  1. Verify – you should see simply ~/Downloads in the folders being watched.
  2. Click on the Schedule tab next.


It’s a good idea to allow virus definitions to be updated daily so set the pulldown to a time you’re sure your machine will be on. Now simply let ClamXav run and hope you never hear back from it!

Clamxav Uninstall

Run a Full Scan

Clamxav Silver Sparrow

Run a full scan of your home folder. This took about 3 hours for my very large home folder. It found 450 .emix files, where are all Mail files that are probably in my spam and junk mail folders. Once the scan is done, you can right click on the files and show where they are in the finder, or you can simply choose delete from that menu, or select them all and hit command-delete.

Now that your machine is clean, you can rely on Sentry to watch for changes and to scan only those changes.

Scan On Demand

ClamXav also installs a Service that lets you scan a file or folder at any time. Simply right click on the file or folder you want to scan, pull down to Services, and choose Scan with ClamXav. The application will run and show you the results of the scan.


Log out and back into your account for the contextual menus to be available under Services.

Could it be the ClamXav was installed under a different method
as described in the web site; & Uninstaller script can't go there?
Since the notations you cite from the system log indicate the
path is certainly in Terminal or perhaps accessed via a booted
single-user mode to attempt to disengage or change what is
going on inside the Mac OS X system, there must be another
way to attack this issue within the machine's Terminal.
Of course, since I do not know the Terminal well or have more
than a passing awareness of some of its features, I am of little
to no help in this part of the technical resolution.
Was there a contact email, or reference to any kind of similar
issue/problem noted in their user forum, link in previous post?
Unfortunately, I am probably not the one to do it! There was a time
that I'd have gone rather far into a crash-course to learn answers
to user problems in online forums, ones I never experienced. But
I don't have the undivided time to expand my own horizons, to help.
I also do not have the time to experiment with my Macs as before.
And I have things to do and people to see; actually, I have to take
someone else around to do those things - while I get to wait..
{However, *one answer may be to perform an 'Archive & Install'* &
update the system; the one catch may be a new system may try to
import the bits you can't remove from the old User files, if the option
in Archive & Install (to save users and settings) is chosen. So, that
would mean more work to restore a working system as it once had,
less the files related to ClamXav you can't be rid of presently.}
Good luck & happy computing! 🙂
+{ edited }+


Jan 5, 2011 2:29 PM Doom 2 for mac.